Dyno Controller

Implementation of a PID controller for a Hydraulic Dynamometer.

The components in the initial running system where:

  • DATAPRO Application: Software application running in a Windows PC that allows to configure/visualize the system data. It also implements the PID Controller.

  • Computer Card : A hardware board connected to the computer runnind the DATAPRO Application. It has inputs and outputs to control the system.

  • Hydraulic System: Hydraulic system control. It is controlled by a input voltage with range [0-10]V.

The new system developed has two new components:

  • New PID Controller : A hardware board that will implement the new PID Controller

  • New PC Application: A software application that will run in a Windows system. This application will allow the configuration/visualization of the New PID Controller board.

The previous system will continue to be running, this will allow for all the security systems to still be enabled with the new PID Controller running.

New PID Controller

The New PID Controller will have the follwing inputs/outputs:

  • Input voltage with values [0-10]V -> [0-16000]RPM will provide the RPM setpoint.

  • Input speed from the Hydraulic System

  • Input PID parameters shall be configured using a PC application. It will allow initialty to configure a table with [RPM][kp][ki][kd] values.

  • The period of the PID is also configurable ([1-…] ms in increments of 1ms).

  • Output control to Hydraulic System is a voltage [0-10]V (value calculated by the PID controller)

The current selected hardware will be based on a XMC4500 microcontroller from Infineon. This microcontroller has built in ADC, DAC, and several communication interfaces including SPI, UART, CAN. This allows for future expansion of the system to be easy. It also has 1MB of flash and 300KB of RAM.

PC Application

The PC Application will allow to configure and visualize the PID Controller (current speed, configured setpoint, PID terms, etc).

Prototype Board

The prototype board is shown in Figure 3. In the figure the connectors are highlighted, they are:

  • +12V : Supply voltage Input. Use a +12V supply.

  • USB COMM : USB port to connect to the PC for normal operation and connection to the PC Application

  • USB PROG : USB port to connect to the PC when a firmware update is necessary.

  • INPUTS : Connector with all the system inputs (Analog and Digital)

  • OUTPUTS : Connector with all the system outputs (Analog and Digital)

  • CAN : Can bus connector (GND, RX, TX)

  • EXTRA PROTOTYPING AREA : Extra area to prototype new functionality


.NET | MicroControllers


Filipe Teixeira